Please take some time to read the email that I received from Brittney Wolff,  who is  part of the Associated Ambulance Family in Boyle.

I have trouble finding words to convey how proud we are of them for giving of themselves during this time of year.


Just thought I would share the photo’s of Boyle being able to participate in Santa’s anonymous and delivering food and presents to families in the community of Boyle. It was a joint effort to deliver these to 52 families in the community. It was an eye opening experience for us to participate in and couldn’t of asked for a better time. More information on the event and what we did including a shout out to EMT’s is on the facebook group Boyle community views, actions and thoughts.

Thank You


Brittney Wolff EMT-A

Operations acting Supervisor Boyle and Thorhild

Boyle Santas AnonymousBoyle Delivering Christmas to those in need